Intel is ready to compete with Qualcomm and AMD with its new Lunar Lake or Core Ultra 200V processors. It claims the new AI processors will deliver insane power efficiency for light and thin laptops. The company shared that the new Core Ultra 200V processors will be available in new laptops by the end of this month.
Compared to the previous chips by Intel, the core ultra 200V processors are considerably innovative across CPU, NPU (Neural Processing Unit), and GPU (Graphics Processing Unit). Intel claims the new AI processors have a longer battery life than Qualcomm featured with its Snapdragon X Elite or AMD with HX lineup. The company shared
Most laptops powered by Lunar Lake processors will look similar to the existing models; the only difference will be an Intel logo on the chassis. The latest core ultra 200V processors have an entirely new architecture, design, and construction compared to previous Intel chips. These are also the first Intel chips with a memory-on-chip design like Apple’s M series processors.
Intel shared that its gaming frame rates are 68 per cent better than those of its rivals. Also, the AI features in Adobe Premier and other tools will deliver 58 per cent faster performance due to the amazing processors.
Lunar Lake chips are available in nine stock-keeping units (SKUs), with the core ultra 9 288V as the flagship product. It contains an octa-core CPU design with four high-performance Lion Cove P-cores, delivering 15 per cent more performance per watt. Lion Cove P-cores have a top speed of 5.1 GHz. The other four cores are called Skymont E-cores, with 2x AI throughout and a 68 per cent increase in IPC.